Dahlia Springs
Welcome to Dahlia Springs!
I love small towns. I spent most of my adult life living in them and wanted to write what I loved about them but with more progressive and inclusive.
Dahlia Springs is located in Western Oregon, about an hour from Portland and not far from the real town of McMinnville.
If you’ve been charmed by small towns in Hallmark movies, you’ll love Dahlia Springs. There’s festivals, cute stores, friendly (and nosy) people, and tons of charm. Too bad it’s not a real place we can visit! I’d love to hang out at Tap That Brewery and enjoy a Lipstick Lesbi-Lager while working on my next book.
My Dahlia Springs universe if full of standalone books. Some of them are in series (like the Tap That Brewery series) and all contain secondary characters that tend to pop up in other books.
I try to provide enough context of who everyone is in each book so you never have to read more than the book you’re on. But, if you’re like me and read multiple books in a universe, you might struggle to remember who some people are.
The tabs below have three lists that will hopefully help you if you’re trying to recall some details or where you remember a character from.
Main characters: The characters in Dahlia Springs who have found love in my books.
Secondary characters: People who have appeared as side characters in more than one book. Some might get their own books soon! *wink*
Locations: A brief description of the various businesses in town that have been mentioned. This is mostly a gratuitous celebration of puns.

Note: Some of these main character and business descriptions contain slight spoilers of things that happen during a characters’ story or after the story takes place.
Arlo (Mistletoe Kisses): Works at Tome Raider. Loves books, anxious, best friend of Keaton. Partner to Lucas.
Austin (Pitcher Perfect): Head brewer at Tap That Brewery. Cousin of Tyler and Seth. Partner to Caleb.
Caleb (Pitcher Perfect): Runs Be Eggcelent to Each Other food truck and Inkwell Bistro restaurant. Partner to Austin.
Cooper (Relief Pitcher): Arborist and wood carver. Widower. Partner to Ty.
Dave (Perfect Blend): Owns A Whole Latte Love coffee shop. Organizes Dahlia Springs Pride Festival. Does amateur drag. Partner to Mikey.
Ethan (Eternal Hoptimist): Runs the Tap That Brewery tap room and beertender. Partner to Parker.
Hudson (Up My Alley): An accountant with a TikTok famous cat named General Ledger. Partner to Leo.
Leo (Up My Alley): A mechanic who made Hudson’s cat TikTok famous. Partner to Hudson.
Lucas (Mistletoe Kisses): Server at Inkwell Bistro. Brother of Lucas. Partner to Arlo.
Mikey (Perfect Blend): Journalist with a national queer publication. Partner to Dave.
Parker (Eternal Hoptimist): Former real-estate attorney turned general attorney in town. Partner to Ethan.
Reed (24 Dares of Christmas): Marketing pro helping town businesses and organizations. Often seen teaming up with his partner, Warren, to cover town events.
Tyler/Ty (Relief Pitcher): Sales and marketing at Tap That Brewery. Brother of Seth and cousin to Austin. Partner to Cooper.
Warren (24 Dares of Christmas): Photographer and jack-of-all-trades. Partner to Reed.
Deborah/Deb: Runs the Dollia Springs B&B. She loves dolls and doilies. A lot. Almost as much as she loves to talk to her guests.
Dom: Co-owner of Tap That Brewery. Don’t worry, he’ll be moved over to the “main character” category soon!
Mabel: Director of the Dahlia Springs Chamber of Commerce. If you show too much interest in the town events, she’ll snag you for an event committee!
Seth: Works at Tap That Brewery as a beertender and assistant brewer. Brother of Ty and cousin of Austin. Don’t worry, he’ll be moved over to the “main character” category soon!
A Whole Latte Love: A coffee shop owned by Dave and featured in his book, Perfect Blend. It’s the only sit-down coffee shop in town.
Bee’s Dahlia Farm: The main dahlia farm in town. The host of several community events like the Christmas Eve town celebration (24 Dares of Christmas) and the Pride history walk (Perfect Blend).
Blu’s Balls & Bowling: The only bowling alley in Dahlia Springs with some fun rec leagues. Introduced in Up My Alley.
Dollia Springs Bed and Breakfast: A B&B full of creepy dolls and too many doilies. Appears in Mistletoe Kisses and Perfect Blend.
Inkwell Bistro: A restaurant opened by Caleb from Pitcher Perfect. Appears
Tap That Brewery: Featured in the Tap That Brewery series. Owned by best friends Austin, Ethan, Tyler and Dom.
The Lucky Tongue: A lesbian bar in town and home of the annual amateur drag show during the town’s Pride celebration. Featured in Perfect Blend.
Tome Raiders: A bookstore introduced in Mistletoe Kisses.
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